Mark 8:34-38
(See Amplified Bible)
How willing are we to deny ourselves? Are we outspoken about God and His love? How good is our witness around others? We must guard our hearts and be true to God.
Be faithful!
Mark 8:34-38
(See Amplified Bible)
How willing are we to deny ourselves? Are we outspoken about God and His love? How good is our witness around others? We must guard our hearts and be true to God.
Be faithful!
1 Peter 1:3-9
Salvation = rescue, safety, deliver, health.
We are so blessed that we should be rejoicing every day because of the salvation of our souls. I challenge all of us today to make this a day of rejoicing. A day of giving God thanks for the salvation of our souls. Give thanks with a grateful heart.
Be faithful!
James 3:1-18
Many verses this morning but it is hard to separate them. Let’s allow the Holy Spirit to speak to us as we read these verses today. Our tongue is our responsibility. James 1:19-20.
Be faithful!
2 Timothy 3:16-17
Profitable = helpful, serviceable, advantageous.
Let us be diligent to stay with God’s Word. God always gives us the provision and the opportunity. Do we take advantage of it?
Be blessed!
Be prosperous!
Be highly favored of God!
Be faithful!
Psalm 36:7-12
Excellent = valuable, brightness, clear, costly.
Trust = to flee for protection, to confide in, have hope.
Do we really understand what we have in our relationship with God? Do we really understand God’s loving kindness? Let’s ask the Holy Spirit to minister to us concerning this. But we must be quiet and listen. He wants to speak to us.
Be faithful!
Hebrews 12:25-29
(See Amplified Bible also)
Enjoy this wonderful, beautiful, glorious day that the Lord has given to us. Rejoice and be glad and torment the demons. Cause confusion among their ranks. Be strengthen in your rejoicing.
Be faithful!
Jude 1:17-21
Mocker = derider, false teacher, scoffer.
Our common denominator must always be God’s Word in proper context. This will surely keep us safe.
Make this good day a great day in the Lord. Be blessed!
Be faithful!
Colossians 1:9-18
Be faithful!
Colossians 3:12-17
(See Amplified Bible)
Do not allow fear, anger, stress, or any such thing become your partner in life. Let the love of God be your partner. Life will be so much better.
Have a great day in the Lord.
Be faithful!
John 14:23-27
There is so much being spoken to us through these scriptures. God’s Word is to be a part of our lives every day, every hour, every minute, and every second. It is to give us liberty not put us in bondage.
Galatians 5:1, Galatians 5:13.
But use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh but my love to serve one another.
Be faithful!