Monthly Archives: July 2017

Love Is…

1 Corinthians 13:1-13

A very good reading to start the day and the week and end the month.

Be a lover of God’s Word.
Be a student of God’s Word.
Be a doer of God’s Word.
Be a minister of God’s Word.
Be patient.


Be faithful.


Let Us Keep Drawing Near

Hebrews 10:19-27

We must take these scriptures very seriously. We must not slip away from being doers of God’s Word. No more excuses and no more delays. Discipline and Doing. Do you want to be blessed?

Be doers of God’s Word.
Be a student of God’s Word.
Be a lover of God’s Word.


Be faithful.


Be An Overcomer

1 John 5:1-5

As children of God there has been deposited inside of each of us a world overcomer through Christ Jesus. It comes forth by being committed, faithful doers of the Word of God. Let’s allow the Holy Spirit to bring us forth.

Be a lover of God’s Word.
Be a student of God’s Word.
Be a doer of God’s Word.


Be faithful.



And The Truth Will Set You Free

I hear a lot of believers talking about the truth setting them free according to John 8:31-32, but they are not free. Why? They aren’t continuing in the Word of God.

To really become deception proof in today’s world, we must abide continually in God’s Word. Only His truth will make us free and keep us free. Only the Word of God will keep us on the right path.

Be blessed.
Be prosperous.
Be free.
Be a lover of God’s Word..
Be a student of God’s Word.
Be a doer of God’s Word.

Be faithful.


My People Are Destroyed For A Lack Of Knowledge

Hosea 4:6-7

Is this what is happening to our nation today? Are we rejecting the knowledge of God’s Word and taking on the knowledge of the world? We must keep ourselves in God’s Word and pray for others. We must be a living witness to those around us.

Does your life reflect a knowledge of God’s Word? Something to think about.

Be a student of God’s Word.
Be a lover of God’s Word.
Be a doer of God’s Word.

Be faithful.


He is a God of Integrity

God is so committed to His Word that when He speaks, He places Himself under the authority of the words He spoke. He is a God of integrity. You won’t ever get Him to violate His Word. If He has promised something to you in His Word, he gives Himself to it completely. That is the kind of integrity you want your heart to have and your mouth to speak. Then your spirit will always believe what you say.


Establishing His Covenant

Deuteronomy 8:18

Many people forget about God when they are blessed with good paying jobs, beautiful homes, nice cars, etc. Always remember who blesses you with these things and give God praise.

Be reminded.
Be thankful.
Be a praiser of God.
Be a lover of God’s Word.
Be a student of God’s Word.
Be a doer of God’s Word.

Be faithful.


Let’s Keep On Drawing Near

Hebrews 10:19-27

It seems that in our great nation today being faithful to assemble ourselves together in church is not as important as it used to be. God does change and neither does His Word so it must be the people.

Why is that? God cannot bless us unless we are doers of His Word. Just something to think about.

Be a lover of God’s Word.
Be a student of God’s Word.
Be a doer of God’s Word.

What are we expecting from God?
What is God expecting from us?

Be faithful.