Monthly Archives: March 2021

Paid In Full

Paid In Full


Honoring Everything Jesus Did for Us this Resurrection Sunday

This Resurrection Sunday, the Body of Christ is honoring and celebrating what Jesus did for us at Calvary. We’ll put on our Sunday best. We’ll sing songs about the empty tomb, and we’ll enjoy a special meal. It’s a special time in the family of God!

Most Christians will be celebrating salvation from sin and death, and a restoration of the relationship between God and man. But what we don’t ever want to do is leave out or fail to recognize the full extent of what Christ did for us that day. To do so would be disrespectful at the very least.

The price for your salvation and abundant life was paid in full once Jesus was raised from the dead. That means when you are born again, the old sin nature that used to be on the inside of you dies. A new nature created in righteousness and true holiness is born (2 Corinthians 5:17). But there is so much more included in the benefits of Christ’s death and resurrection—so much He paid in full for us to enjoy.

(If you’ve never been born again, today is your day! Find a prayer to receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior HERE.)

Here, we’re honoring everything Jesus did for us—this Resurrection Sunday and every day.

Jesus Delivered Us From Sickness and Disease

“But he was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped so we could be healed.” –Isaiah 53:5

Some people like to dispute this verse and claim that the healing mentioned here is only referring to spiritual healing. But Matthew 8:16-17 (NKJV) confirms the physical nature of the healing Jesus accomplished for us on the cross:

“When evening had come, they brought to Him many who were demon-possessed. And He cast out the spirits with a word, and healed all who were sick,that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet, saying: ‘He Himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses.’”

Even more powerful is the evidence found in Psalm 103:1-3:

“Bless the LORD, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His holy name!
Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: who forgives all your iniquities, who heals all your diseases.”

Notice how the benefits are together in one sentence. Forgiving our iniquities and healing our diseases are closely tied together. That’s because when Jesus bore away our sins, He also bore away our diseases. The Cross pronounced a double cure for the ills of mankind.

A Christian may continue to sin after he has been born again, but he doesn’t have to. Sin can no longer enslave him unless he allows it. A Christian may continue to be sick after he has been born again, but he does not have to be. He has been redeemed from sickness. The price has been paid for his healing. Sickness can no longer exert dominion over him unless he allows it.

Yet, so many Christians have stopped short of receiving all Jesus did for them that day. You don’t have to choose between salvation and healing. The price for all His benefits has been paid in full. But those benefits don’t come automatically. You have to acknowledge that healing is part of your salvation package and then receive it. The devil will try to convince you that it doesn’t belong to you because he came to steal, kill and destroy.

That’s why you have to fight the good fight of faith in the area of sickness and disease in the same way you fight sin.

Watch Kenneth Copeland share how you are redeemed from the curse and healed!

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Jesus Delivered Us From Sin

“For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” –Romans 6:23 (ESV)

There is no dispute over this one among Christians, but Resurrection Sunday is a time to reflect on whether or not we are truly walking in it. Some people have received Jesus as their Lord and Savior, but they continue to walk around with guilt and shame over their past. This is not God’s will! (See this prophecy by Kenneth Copeland.)

The greatest thing the blood of Jesus accomplished was this—it washed all your sins away and made you clean and pure—white as snow. From the minute you receive Jesus as Lord of your life, God will not remember any past sin in your life. That’s how powerful the blood is!

The best part? You don’t have to earn and pay for what has been provided on the Cross. In fact, you couldn’t earn it even if you tried. The best thing you can do is joyfully accept this free gift.

Find out about the Power of The Blood of Jesus HERE.

Jesus Delivered Us From the Curse

“Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us—for it is written, ‘Cursed is everyone who is hanged on a tree.’” –Galatians 3:13 (ESV)

In addition to being redeemed from sin, the blood of Jesus also set you free from the curse of the law so that THE BLESSING of Abraham might come upon you in Christ.

What is the curse?

The curse is death, sin, sickness, disease, poverty, lack, depression, addiction—anything bad you can think of. As Gloria Copeland says, “If it’s bad, it’s under the curse. It doesn’t belong to us.”

Adam’s treason gave Satan authority over the life of man, but because of the power of the blood of Jesus, the moment you made Jesus Christ the Lord of your life, you were redeemed from the curse. Satan was put out of business.

It’s critical that every believer knows that, because Jesus didn’t come to prove He was the Son of God, He came to destroy the works of Satan. He perfectly pleased the Father, so He must have gotten the work done, glory to God!

Why do so many Christians seem to struggle anyway? Because they haven’t received revelation of their rights and therefore do not contend for them.

God gave everything He had to redeem mankind from the curse. When we receive only part of His sacrifice, it’s an insult to Him. Your redemption from every part of the curse was already paid in full. It doesn’t stop at salvation. Jesus came that you might have life and have it abundantly (John 10:10). An abundant life isn’t full of misery and lack—it’s full of life and BLESSING!

When you understand the full meaning of Resurrection Sunday and what Jesus accomplished on the cross, you’ll never take Communion the same way again. When He said, “It is finished,” your debt was paid in full. The curse lost all power and authority in your life the moment you were born again. Don’t waste another moment living like you haven’t been redeemed. You are redeemed! And every benefit that comes with it is yours—all thanks, glory and honor be to our Lord Jesus Christ forevermore.

Watch Kenneth Copeland teach you how Jesus paid for every part of THE BLESSING for you to enjoy.

Related Articles:

Living in Resurrection Power: 7-Day Bible Reading Plan

What Happened From the Cross to the Throne

5 Ways to Let THE BLESSING Do the Work

Covenant vs Contradiction

The Covenant vs. the Contradiction: Which Side Are You On?


When you’re face-to-face with circumstances in your life, which side are you on? The covenant or the contradiction?


Imagine that you have a guaranteed advantage in every situation that comes up in your life. The kind of advantage that makes people wonder how it is you have so much success in your life. You enjoy good health, a strong marriage, a thriving family, successful ministry, booming business, and plenty of money to live well and give well.

In fact, you live so well, people are drawn to you—intrigued by a life they long to live themselves.

What’s your secret?” they might ask. “My secret,” you’ll say, “is that I choose to believe the covenant over the contradiction in every situation in my life.”

Intrigued, they’ll want to know more.

Here’s what you’ll tell them.

The Advantage Is on the Covenant Side

Anything God has promised in His Word is His covenant with you—it’s a guarantee, no matter what people say is “the norm” or what most people experience.  As Gloria Copeland says, “It really doesn’t matter what man says, it’s what God says that counts.” That’s the covenant side—siding with God’s Word over man’s word.

God’s covenant was put into place long ago when God promised to make Abraham a great nation with many descendants and a whole lot of prosperity all around (read the details HERE). The best part of the deal is that we were added to the official agreement through Christ Jesus, making us rightful heirs to all the same promises (Galatians 3:14, 29).

There’s just one thing. To receive the benefits, you have to first choose to live on the covenant side of life. You can’t have one foot in and one foot out to live the kind of life that always prospers.

The whole world, and the majority of Christians, align themselves with the contradiction instead of the covenant. But what about you? Which side will you choose? Find out how you can always be on the winning side between the covenant and the contradiction.

Covenant vs. Contradiction: On Healing

You’re feeling symptoms of that cold or virus everyone’s been talking about. You’ve even sneezed and coughed. Or maybe you received a bad report from the doctor about your health. Now, you have a decision to make—are you going to side with the covenant or the contradiction?

The covenant says you are healed of every sickness and disease, which means you have the right to live in divine health all the days of your life (Isaiah 53:4-5, Matthew 8:17).

On the other hand, you have the contradiction, which is:

  • Everything you can see, feel, hear, smell and taste on the outside
  • Your symptoms
  • What the news says, or what the people around you speak and believe
  • Commercials telling you that you should count on needing pharmaceuticals.

To stay on the winning side, we must NEVER, EVER YIELD to the contradiction but, rather, like our father Abraham, consider not the opposing view. We must boldly call things that be not as though they were: “I know what the doctor said, but I call my body well. Heart, I call you well. Eyes, I call you well. Stomach, feet, etc., I call you well.”

You may be thinking, I believe in healing.

But are you really siding with the covenant?

  • As long as you believe God is going to do something, you’re really just pushing it off into the future. If you think in your heart, Sometime, He’ll heal me, you won’t receive it that way. That’s not covenant—it’s contradiction.
  • If you’re praying for healing, while believing you have to convince God to do it, it won’t work for you. God honors faith—faith in the fact that your healing is already bought and paid for.
  • People often expect prayer to heal them. Prayer isn’t a healer in itself. You pray the prayer of faith—faith is what raises people up to receive from God.

Stay on the covenant side! Abraham didn’t consider natural things in his own situation—he sided with the covenant—and he received what God had promised.

Covenant vs. Contradiction: On Financial Prosperity

As much as symptoms in your physical body can talk—money talks, too. Have you ever noticed that? It tells you how much you need it to survive and thrive, it tells you to pay those bills and borrow for that car, and then it reminds you how much you owe someone else.

And the world is no help in this arena, either. “You can’t buy a house or a car without a loan,” they say. “You’ll never make that much money,” they taunt. “It could take a lifetime to have enough to retire,” they muse.

One blow after another, the contradictions chip away at the covenant God has with His people. Remember that covenant with Abraham? It included financial prosperity—a lot of it (Deuteronomy 8:18). You can be debt free, live in an overflow, give extravagantly and rise to new levels in your career—but you have to side with the covenant! (Learn how to take dominion in your finances HERE.)

That’s why, if you want covenant blessing in your finances, you’ll stay away from those contradictions.

Kenneth Hagin shares why:

“As long as Satan can hold you in the arena of reason, he’ll whip you in every combat and every battle, every day of your life. But as long as you’ll hold him in the arena of faith, you’ll defeat him in every battle, every day.”


Find out what the Word of God says about finances and get right in line with it, believe it—more than you believe anything else—and you’ll have it. It really is that simple. (Try this Prayer to Believe the Covenant Over the Contradiction.)

Watch Kenneth Copeland teach you more about God, the Covenant and the Contradiction.

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Covenant vs. Contradiction: On Family

We talk about healing and finances a lot, but what about family? What promises are in God’s Word about our relationships? Plenty!

If you’re desiring to be married, have children, repair a broken marriage or relationship, or live free of strife, that’s all part of God’s covenant with you. Like any other promise, there are conditions (see The “Ifs” Between You and Your Promise). But the promise overrides any contradiction.

Let’s consider some of the numerous contradictions the world has conjured up when it comes to family. These are all contradictions to the Word of God.

  • Maybe you’re just not meant to get married
  • There is no chance for you to conceive children
  • 50% of marriages end in divorce
  • You’ll be better off without your spouse
  • Teenagers are challenging and get into trouble
  • Your family just doesn’t get along.

DO NOT receive these contradictions in your life. Stand on the side of the covenant when it comes to family and relationships.

If you’ve been standing on a promise for years—that’s the problem. You’re in for a long stand if you’re waiting for something that’s already been done. If you believe it’s done, there’s nothing left for you to do but give glory to God. You won’t ask for it anymore—you’ll just thank God.

Kenneth Hagin’s advice? “Quit standing on the promise and start acting on the Word.”

A Final Word

Meditate on what you’ve learned today, then ask yourself: Have you allowed contradictions to work their way into your thinking and into your words? Repent and change that as quickly as you can.

Get your mind off your finances, off your body, off your relationships, and get your mind on the Word of God. Say, “I know what the contrary evidence is, but I call my body healed. I call my family whole. I call my finances well and increasing. As for me and my house, there are no contradictions. God said it. We believe it. That settles it. We are determined to stay on the God side, the covenant side, of everything.”

When you make a decision between the covenant and the contradiction, you’re really making a decision between victory and defeat. You were created to have dominion, and through Christ, you were meant to enjoy a prosperous, abundant life. Choose the covenant side of life—you’ll never be disappointed!

Watch Jerry Savelle teach more about our covenant-keeping God.

The Power of the Local Church

7 Ways to Awaken Your Faith Through the Power of the Local Church


The power of the local church is real.

That’s why the enemy has been working overtime to shut down churches all over the world. What’s the devil so afraid of, anyway? He’s afraid of believers in Jesus who put their faith in God. When we rise up in faith, united as one Body of believers, we can defeat any attack the devil brings—on personal, corporate, national and global levels.

The enemy knows the power of the force of faith, and when the Church of Jesus Christ learns to walk by faith and not by sight, we become dangerous to him. The word of the Lord through Kenneth Copeland is that 2021 is the Year of the Local Church—which is the one place in this world that equips believers with the kind of faith that can move mountains and defeat the enemy every time.

Right now, God is using the local church to awaken the faith of believers and send them out into their callings armed with fresh anointing. If you’re ready to be used in the great awakening of our time and walk in unprecedented victory, the local church is where you need to be.

Here are 7 Ways to Awaken Your Faith Through the Power of the Local Church.

1. Get to Church More Often

“I was glad when they said to me, ‘Let us go to the house of the LORD.’” –Psalm 122:1

Can you say, like the psalmist, that you are glad to go to church?

A great awakening is already stirring, and it’s taking place in the local church and other faith-filled gatherings. So, if you want to be part of it and awaken your faith for greater things to come, the key is going to get to church more often.

That’s where you’re going to hear the Word of God to build your faith, and it’s where you will see the glory of God poured out in greater measure than the world has ever seen. Signs, wonders and miracles follow the Word preached!

That means if you normally attend sporadically, now is the time to become a consistent, regular attender of church. If you already go every Sunday, why not add a Wednesday night to the mix? Or attend special prayer meetings and faith events (check out KCM events HERE).

Determine today that you want to walk in greater levels of faith, and you don’t want to miss a thing God does through the power of the local church!

Looking for the right church home? Find A Prayer to Find the Right Church HERE.

2. Take Notes in Church

“Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it.” –Habakkuk 2:2 (ESV)

Not everyone is a note taker, but here’s the deal—if you want to see a change in your faith and your life, it first starts with a change in you.

Taking notes in church may not seem like a big deal, but research shows note taking accomplishes more than just listening. For example, taking notes does the following:

  • Keeps you engaged
  • Prevents distractions
  • Increases retention
  • Helps link important ideas together.

The Bible also tells us to write down the vision so that the one who reads it may run toward it.

The most amazing thing about taking notes in church is what happens….later. You’ll find when you take notes and review them afterward, even more fresh revelation will come, so you can run in faith toward your victory. So, grab a notebook and pen, and awaken your faith by engaging more at church through taking notes.

3. Prepare Your Heart for Church

“Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you.” –2 Timothy 1:6 (NKJV)

Rushing out the door, or frustrations in getting family members ready can start your church experience on the wrong foot. Instead, prepare your heart for church by seeking the Lord the night before and by giving yourself plenty of time to get ready. Purpose to get to church early.

On the way there, play worship music to get your heart in a posture of worship and praise before you even arrive. Pray for your pastors and that what God wants to communicate to His people will be well-received. You’ll awaken your faith when you ensure that you have eyes to see and ears to hear.

Find out why The Praise Cure will help you breakthrough any barrier HERE.

4. Forgive Before You Arrive

“When you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.” –Mark 11:25 (NIV)

This verse is clear. To receive from God, you must be in a right spirit—one that is completely free of unforgiveness. To awaken your faith to victory through the power of the local church, make a decision to forgive anyone and everyone before you go to receive.

There’s a whole lot of people who do not even go to church because they are offended at what the pastor or this or that church member said. In fact, many have vowed to never step foot inside a church again because of their experiences at church with imperfect people. They refuse to forgive. Don’t let that be you!

Let’s face it, forgiveness can be required regularly—even daily—but holding onto anger or hurt isn’t worth missing out on everything God has in store for you. If it happened yesterday or 10 years ago, whatever it is, forgive! Do it by faith. Then watch as your faith is awakened to new levels of power through the local church.

Request You Determine Your BLESSING CD by Kenneth Copeland for FREE, March 7-13, 2021 HERE.

5. Be a Humble Listener in Church

“Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up in honor.” –James 4:10

A teachable spirit is the only kind that will receive the benefits of impartation. God designed the local church to edify and unite believers—to build our faith for evangelism and an all-around victorious life. But if you show up out of duty or with the attitude that you’re going to judge what is said from the pulpit, you’ll walk away with nothing and your life will not only go unimproved, but it will be hindered.

On the other hand, when you decide to be a humble listener in church, that is a heart that is pleasing to God. You’ll find yourself receiving supernatural revelation for every area of your life. The pastor will seem to be talking directly to you. You’ll go home with your faith soaring and some definite points of action that could very well catapult you into what you’ve been praying for!

6. Apply What You Learn Throughout the Week

“Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.” –James 1:22 (NIV)

The quickest way to awaken your faith is to find the areas of the Word of God where you may not be fully obedient, and make a course correction. Obedience is a breakthrough force.

The local church will help you to become a doer of the Word of God, not only a hearer. But the only way to do this is to apply what you learn at church throughout the week, in every area of your life. If you do not, this scripture says you are only deceiving yourself, and you won’t be walking by faith.

Watch Gloria Copeland and Billye Brim share how to pray for the last awakening.

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7. Sit Near the Front at Church

“Faith comes by hearing.” –Romans 10:17 (NKJV)

Does where you sit in church really matter?

If you attended college, think about the students who sat in front. They typically got the best grades! They sat there because they were motivated and interested in really absorbing what was being taught.

The same has been found to be true of elementary school students. Those who sit in the front absorb more of what they hear, retain the information longer, and participate at a higher rate. Their grades are typically higher than the rest of the class!

While it may not seem important, where you sit in church may very well change how it affects your life. People who sit in the back are more prone to distractions and feel less engaged than those who sit closer to the front. You can awaken your faith when you have a front row seat to the revelation God is providing through the man of God.

When you focus in on these seven ways to awaken your faith through the power of the local church, you’ll see big changes start taking place. Instead of living defeated by natural circumstances, you will rise above them. As 1 John 5:4 (NMB) says, “This is the victory that overcomes the world: even our faith.” Now, it’s time for you to walk in it!

Watch Gloria Copeland and Billye Brim discuss how great awakenings bring phenomenal events.

Related Articles:

A Prayer to Find the Right Church

Top 5 Actions That Spark Revival

5 Spiritual Power Boosts You Can Only Get at Church

How to Move at the Speed of Faith

How to Move at the Speed of Faith


Faith has a speed.

Not a speed you can measure in the natural, but one that is always NOW. And faith never stops. Ever.

Faith can supersede natural laws and defy logic to bring about supernatural results in your life, not just once in a while, but every day!

No circumstance, hurdle, setback or enemy can push pause on faith or bring victory to a halt. It cannot be defeated, and it will not quit. Even the gates of hell cannot prevail against us, glory to God!

Sin, doubt, fear, insecurities, unforgiveness, negative words and a lack of the Word in your heart will stop you in your tracks. But make no mistake, faith will keep moving—with or without you.

There’s a flow of faith that we as believers must enter—a speed that is immeasurable by natural law. Here’s how to move at the speed of faith and see victories in your life quicker and closer together than you’ve ever seen before.

1. See Victory in Your Forecast

“But thanks be to God, Who gives us the victory [making us conquerors] through our Lord Jesus Christ.” –1 Corinthians 15:57 (AMPC)

When you think about this new year, what are you expecting in your life? If you answered with uncertainty or anything other than “total victory,” it’s time to reprogram your thinking.

No matter where you turn in the Bible, the forecast for your life (when you’re walking in obedience, faith and love) is always victory.

Webster defines victory as “final and complete supremacy.” That means when it’s over, it’s over. There is no more vying for the position of triumph. It is finished. And you have the crown.

You might be thinking, I could use some victory right about now. The good news is that you already have it! First Corinthians 15:57 (AMPC) says, “But thanks be to God, Who gives us the victory [making us conquerors] through our Lord Jesus Christ.” That means the victory has already been won—our victory.

Because of Jesus, we are not fighting for a position of victory, we are fighting from a position of victory. But you have to see victory in your forecast no matter what your current circumstance. To see anything else is to lose step with the speed of faith.

To move at the speed of faith, you have to see things the way God does. You have to see victory out in front of you all the time and leave every other option off the table.

2. Expect God’s Promises TODAY

“According to my earnest expectation and my hope….” –Philippians 1:20 (KJV)

To move at the speed of faith, your expectancy has to be in motion as well. That means you can learn to match the speed of your expectancy with the rate of God’s promises. When you do this, nothing can stop your breakthrough!

To move at the speed of faith, you have to believe at the speed of faith, speak at the speed of faith, and receive at the speed of faith.

The lack of an instant manifestation doesn’t indicate the lack of an instant victory. Faith waits in the natural realm for what it knows it already has in the spirit realm.

God’s promises are NOW—TODAY. How do we know? Because in God’s goodness and love, He has provided the means by which to fulfill every desire of our lives: “Believe that ye receive them, AND ye shall have them.” When do we believe? NOW. “I’m not moved by what I see. I’m not moved by what I feel. I’m moved by what I believe. I believe I receive. I take it NOW!”

Mark 11:24 says we are to believe we receive when we pray. When? Now.

Find Keith Moore’s 3 Steps to A Miracle HERE.

To move at the speed of faith and expect God’s promises TODAY, you have to take complete charge over your feelings. Don’t allow anything or anyone to pull you back into the natural, faithless, hopeless realm of defeat. Get over into praise and worship. Come into God’s divine presence, thanking Him because you have believed that you have received—TODAY.

Watch Keith Moore teach you how to bring faith into the now.

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3. Stop Waiting for Someday

“Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law.” –Galatians 3:13 (NKJV)

This verse is clear—Christ has already redeemed us from the curse of the law. So, if we are born again, when are we redeemed? Now! Today! Not someday.

Redeemed from what? Sickness, disease, lack, poverty, addiction, depression and anything else that is the opposite of a victorious life.

Since you are redeemed today, you have access to every one of God’s blessings today. Expecting is part of receiving. So as long as you’re waiting for someday, you won’t be expecting His blessings TODAY. You won’t be listening for instruction or correction. You won’t be looking on the horizon for a raincloud as Elisha did when he prayed for rain after a three-year drought.

Ask yourself this:

Why am I waiting for healing…someday?

Why am I believing for financial breakthrough…someday?

Why am I waiting for that miracle in my family…someday?

So many people think their victory is off in the distance somewhere and they’re hoping it will be soon, but they don’t really have confidence in the timing. God isn’t the God of someday. Jesus is the same yesterday, TODAY and forever.

Jesus didn’t tell Jairus to have faith in a minute, to mourn and then have faith, or to wait for victory…someday. He quickly told him to “only believe.” Right then. Right that minute. Why? Because time with faith is critical. It is NOW.

Hebrews 11:1 (KJV) says, “Now faith is….” Faith is now. Not someday. To move at the speed of faith you need to be in the NOW, not in someday.

If someone asks you, “Are you going to receive your healing tonight?” and you say, “I sure hope so,” you’re moving far behind faith. You won’t receive because you’re still out there in someday land.

Find 7 Scriptures to Keep Your Faith Present Tense HERE.

If you want to move at the speed of faith, you’ve got to get to the place where you can say with all boldness and confidence, “This belongs to me! I know it’s going to come to pass. I can literally see myself with it. I know as well as I know my own name that this is coming to pass. I believe it in my heart, so I say it with my mouth. It’s MINE, NOW! I believe I receive it, NOW!”

Then don’t allow the devil to pressure you out of the NOW back into the future, or worse, to pressure you into beginning to think and say, “Well, I think maybe this is never coming to pass. I’ve lost all hope of ever getting it.” Keep yourself moving at the speed of faith.

When you learn how to move at the speed of faith, whatever you’re believing for in 2021 will come to pass! Every victory is already yours. Keep moving at the speed of faith. It always sees the promise.

Watch Kenneth and Gloria Copeland teach you why faith is now!

Related Articles:

7 Scriptures to Keep Your Faith Present Tense