5 Spiritual Power Boosts You Can Only Get at Church
A boost to get on a horse, a vitamin boost or a boost in pay.
We all need a boost now and then—something someone else can do for us to help us achieve our goals. The same is true in the spirit realm. God designed us to need Him and one another. And He has set people in place to do just that. But we have to take them up on it. If you’re trying to get on a horse without stirrups, you’re going to wear yourself out jumping and leaping trying to do something that the stirrups can help you achieve in only a moment.
There are things we can do for ourselves spiritually that no one can do for us—spend quiet time with the Lord in prayer and in His Word, make corrections in our behavior, and stir up our faith. But there are also things God assigned others to do for us—spiritual boosts—that will help us achieve breakthroughs, miracles and victories much faster than we would otherwise.
The word of the Lord through Brother Copeland is that 2021 is the Year of the Local Church and Divine Recovery. How does a prophetic word come to pass? Through the participation of the people with prayer and action. You can get the boost you need to see divine recovery of everything the devil has stolen by reaching out and taking the benefits found in the preaching and teaching of the Word of God.
Second Timothy 3:16 says, “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness” (ESV). We need the Word of God to be taught, and when it is, you will receive spiritual boosts you can only get at the right local church.
One definition of the word boost is “to raise the voltage.” Glory to God! Let’s raise the voltage on our spiritual power for 2021 with these 5 Spiritual Boosts You Can Only Get at Church.
1. The Local Church Boosts Your Ability to Rightly Divide the Word
“Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” –2 Timothy 2:15 (NKJV)
The Church is called for a purpose. This includes boosting believers’ ability to rightly divide the Word of truth. What does it mean to rightly divide the Word of God?
In short, to rightly divide the Word means to handle it correctly and consider every verse in context and against other verses in the Bible. In particular, it means to know how to draw the line between the old and new covenants.
Of the importance of this, Billye Brim says, “If you don’t understand how to rightly divide the Word, you’re going to have the Church doing things that don’t apply to us. They apply to the Jews, they apply to the nations, but they don’t apply to us. So, you really have to know how to rightly divide the Word.”
A pastor called by God is anointed to help his congregation rightly divide the Word of God and, therefore, live in victory in every area of life. This is a spiritual boost you can only get at church. There is a supernatural ministry that occurs in the local church that will propel you to your dreams and visions much faster than if you were to work toward them on your own.
The local church will give you a spiritual boost by showing you how to:
- Study God’s Word in the light of the Cross
- Line up scriptures along other verses to find the full context
- Allow the Holy Spirit to speak into what you are reading, rather than reading into it things that aren’t there
- Appropriately apply the Word to your daily life.
Personal Bible study is of great importance, but there is a difference between your own time in the Word and sitting under the anointed teaching of God’s Word through a pastor or minister of the local church. Both are vital to your spiritual health.
2. The Local Church Boosts Your Discernment
“But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil.” –Hebrews 5:14 (NIV)
When the Word of God is presented under the anointing in the local church, every member of the congregation (when receiving with open hearts) will see a boost in their discernment. As their knowledge of the Word grows, the ability to discern between right and wrong, good and evil, will increase.
Developing a strong sense of biblical right and wrong is essential to seeing victory in every area of your life. A biblical worldview is the key to success, happiness and blessing.
And, yes, you can develop discernment in your personal walk with the Lord, but the local church, teaching and preaching the Word, will give you a spiritual boost that will propel you further, faster.
Watch KCM Partner Lance McCune share how the church is an important influence in society.
3. The Local Church Boosts the Renewing of Your Mind
“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” –Romans 12:2 (NIV)
Regular feeding on the Word at the local church gives you a spiritual boost in renewing your mind, which keeps you protected from the attacks of the enemy and poises you to respond to life’s challenges with the wisdom of God. Anointed teaching and preaching will keep our minds renewed far more than personal study alone. The more we hear the Word, the more we fall in line with His ways.
Renewing the mind is a process of uprooting wrong, wordly thinking and replacing it with godly, righteous thinking. It helps us cast down imaginations and strongholds, and take every thought captive.
4. The Local Church Boosts Your Life as a Doer
“But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.” –James 1:22 (NKJV)
You can only get the support and encouragement of a fellowship of believers and a teacher and minister of the Word at the local church. Why is that important? Because the local church will boost your life as a doer of the Word.
It’s easy to think you’re doing A-OK on your own, but when you get into the local church, there are many who will call you to a higher level by example alone. They’ll show you how to walk the walk, not just talk the talk. A good local church will challenge you to become better every day. They’ll inspire you, encourage you and give you ideas on how to live out your faith every day. That’s a boost you’ll only find in church.
Ready to receive these spiritual boosts? Find A Prayer to Receive a Fresh Impartation of the Word HERE.
5. The Local Church Boosts You Through Correction
“Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming.” –Ephesians 4:14 (NIV)
A pastor of the local church is called to do more than teach and encourage. He is also responsible for protecting us through correction. Some people despise correction, but Proverbs 12:1 (NKJV) says, “He who hates correction is stupid.”
Error and deception will lead you as far away from your dreams and desires as possible. But the local church will give you a BIG spiritual boost through correction that protects you and promotes you. That’s a spiritual boost you can only get a church. Don’t miss out on it!
When you attend church in 2021, be on the lookout for the fulfillment of the word of the Lord—the Year of the Local Church—and all the power we will see manifest within the four walls. Don’t miss church. Get there and prepare your heart to receive a divine recovery of everything that’s been stolen, in Jesus’ Name!
Watch Gloria Copeland and Billye Brim as they share how the Church is where the glory of God is seen.
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A Prayer to Receive a Fresh Impartation of the Word
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