If you’re facing decisions in your life—big or small—and you need to hear from God, you may be wondering how to be sure it’s really His voice you’re hearing. Here is a prayer to help you hear God’s voice.
Life is full of twists and turns that require big decisions, small decisions, adjusting to major life changes, and tackling day-to-day living. It seems like there are plenty of people out there who are ready to give you advice—in books, on television, at the office. But, is that the counsel we really need?
If we entertain too many different influences, thoughts and opinions, it can lead to confusion. In the midst of it all, you may feel uncertain that you’re hearing the one voice you long to hear most—the voice of God.
God is a speaking God, and He speaks to His children every day. We have the wonderful opportunity to listen to Him and learn to hear His voice. We don’t have to go through life blindly making decisions or relying on our own abilities. We can hear Him clearly and consistently.
You can hear God’s voice every day and walk in the confidence of being led by the Spirit in your life. Here is a prayer to hear God’s voice you can pray in faith:
Father, in the Name of Jesus, I thank You that You desire to speak to me every day—guiding me in spirit and in truth to obey Your Word and enjoy an abundant life. I thank You that You have called me Your friend and that I may come boldly to the throne of grace to find help whenever I have a need in my life.
Lord, Your Word says that when we draw near to You, You will draw near to us. So, I draw near to You today. I seek Your face, Your truth and Your word for my life. I want to know You more, hear You more and obey You more.
Your Word says Your sheep know Your voice and we will not follow the voice of a stranger. Help me to know Your voice and not be deceived by any other voice. Help me to guard my heart from the influences of this world and the people around me. Help me not to be deceived by the devil and his lies, but to view all thoughts and decisions through the lens of righteousness.
As I seek to hear You today for instruction, correction and guidance, help me to confirm Your voice through Your Word. You said if I ask for wisdom, You will give it to me liberally, so I am asking for wisdom in the Name of Jesus to hear You clearly and consistently today and every day.
Help me to feel confident in knowing that I hear Your voice.
I praise You and thank You for it, in Jesus’ Name.
When you seek the Lord with all your heart, and listen for His voice, you will always have the advice you need to face any circumstance. You will enjoy a powerful relationship with Him that will change your life. Begin to listen and be confident in knowing that He wants to speak to you and He wants you to hear His voice. You can hear from God!
Which type of water source would you want to drink from? While stagnant water invites bacteria and disease-carrying larvae, flowing water is a pure, continual source of life-giving refreshment.
The same is true of faith. Stagnant faith stinks! And it doesn’t bring life. Faith in constant motion brings life and a continual flow of answered prayer. But let’s be real. It takes work!
Here, we’re offering 3 Tips to Keep Your Faith in Constant Motion, so victories will keep flowing!
Be Continual in Your Feedings. Living beings who eat now and then will still be alive, but they won’t be in very good health. They’ll be malnourished, weak, and—as a result—lacking in happiness and vibrance. The same is true of faith. You can keep it alive, but it won’t be thriving, growing or yielding a victorious life if it isn’t fed continually.
So, be continual in your feedings on the Word of God. Read your Bible, pray, listen to teachings (download the VICTORY app!), and attend conferences or Bible studies. Do something EVERY DAY to feed your faith to some degree. There should be few exceptions. It will keep your faith flowing—bringing you life and VICTORY all the time!
Don’t Allow Yourself to Be Worn Down by Spiritual Attacks. The devil wants to wear you down. That’s why you’ll often see one thing after another hurled at you from every area. A layoff followed by strife in the home, and then an illness. It can get ridiculous! However, you don’t have to allow yourself to be worn down by spiritual attacks. In fact, you can choose to ramp up the fight!
Between you and the devil, someone is going to give up and stop fighting. Just be sure that someone isn’t you! To keep from being worn down by spiritual attacks, make a decision that you will NEVER stop fighting the good fight of faith. You will NEVER stop reading the Word, believing the Word and speaking the Word.
Apply Faith to EVERY Situation. When you make faith a regular part of your everyday life, it will stay in constant motion. Talk to and about God all the time. Start the day reminiscing about the miracles He’s done in your life. Ask Him for help throughout the day with anything and everything. Here are some other ideas:
Sprinkle declarations over yourself and your life throughout each day by confessing the Word of God.
When you get in the car to drive somewhere, plead the blood of Jesus over yourself and your vehicle.
When you’re at the grocery store, thank God for the means to buy the food, thank Him for favor, and declare that your cart will supernaturally yield more food for less money than it would in the natural.
Pray over your meals.
When a challenge—even a small one—comes your way, talk to God in the moment, and ask for His intervention. Don’t always wait for a crisis!
These are just three tips to keep your faith in constant motion, but you could think of a lot more! Faith is a LIFESTYLE. When you practice making it part of your daily life, it will begin to flow in your life continually without even much effort. Our goal for you: Constant Faith. Constant Victory.
Watch Gloria Copeland and Pastor George Pearsons talk about the power of having persistent faith.
Have you been praying for something? The answer to a particular question? The resolution to a problem? The fulfillment of a deep desire? If so, then you’re waiting for an answer to your prayer. And aren’t you glad that God is in the prayer-answering business? Now that doesn’t mean that you will get every little thing you ask for, exactly when you ask for it. Sometimes you have to be like a farmer planting a crop. You have to sow it, water it and wait for it to grow.
But instead of sowing a physical seed in the ground, you sow a spiritual one. This requires a four-step process:
Do Sow Your Seed
Sow the seed of love, faith, finances…whatever it is that you are believing for. For example, if you are believing for your financial debts to be paid, sow a financial gift to help ease someone else’s financial debt. If you are believing for a family of your own, then sow time into another family by offering to babysit or assist with some need in their home.
Do Stay Focused on the Word
After you’ve sown your seed, it’s time to keep your eyes and heart focused on what God’s Word says about it. Find scriptures relating to your need. This website is filled with articles and scriptures to help you stand for your answered prayer—everything from finances to healing to relationship issues and more.
Do Speak the Word
Water your seed by speaking the Word over it. The Word of God will go to work on your seed and give it the nourishment it needs to grow.
Do Continue to Stand Strong
When doubts come to your mind that say, This isn’t going to happen. I’ll never have my prayers answered, continue to stand. Continue to speak the Word over your seed. The Word of God will do two things during this time: continue to work on your seed and weed out the negative thoughts from your mind.
While you’re waiting for an answer to your prayer, don’t give up. Be diligent to patiently watch, wait, and use the Word as your water and cultivator. Soon, you’ll begin to see some movement. You’ll begin to see growth. And finally, you will receive your harvest—your answered prayer!
Don’t Dig Up Your Seed!
Genesis 8:22 in The Amplified Bible, Classic Edition, says, “While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.” For the sake of illustration, separate those two words—seedtime and harvest—into three words…seed, time and harvest…because no harvest is immediate. It’s a process that takes time.
It takes your faith in the Word working on that seed, processing it. You put it into the ground and patiently wait. You don’t go dig it up to see if it’s still there. No, faith knows it’s still in the ground, and patience waits for it to come to maturity.
It’s going to take some time, but there’s going to be a harvest to your prayer if you’ll stay with it. In Jesus’ parable in Luke 8:15, He said of the man who sowed into good ground, “on the good ground are they, which in an honest and good heart, having heard the word, keep it, and bring forth fruit with patience” (KJV).
That may help you to be patient. It may help you realize that it’s just a matter of time before your harvest—your answer to prayer—comes. Your job, at this point, is to plant your seed into good ground, to keep it watered with the Word, to let the Word keep out the doubt, and then to patiently wait until it’s harvest time.
Don’t give up on your prayer! For whatever seed you have planted according to the Word, your harvest is coming!
Your answer to prayer is that the crop (your harvest!) will come exactly when it’s needed. God knows when the right time is…and when you need it, it will be there!
Yet, effective prayer is what gets results (James 5:16). Most Christians pray, ask God for what they want, then wait for the answer. The problem is that, while prayer itself is simple, the preparation of the heart beforehand is often left by the wayside.
God isn’t trying to withhold anything from anyone. He has laid out the roadmap to answered prayer throughout His Word, but piecing it all together has eluded many believers, leaving them wondering why they don’t have what they ask for.
God’s desire for His people to know and utilize the kind of prayer that changes everything is so great, that in 2014, God had a powerful encounter with Mary Colbert—a visitation in her bedroom. During this time, Mary received a mandate from Him to write a book with the faith principles He wanted her to share with His people. This supernatural encounter led to the writing and release of her new book, Prayer That Changes Everything.
In this week’s BVOV broadcast with Brother Copeland, she shares a small sampling of these principles and how you can apply them in your life. We’re sharing some of this exciting revelation below to help you discover the kind of prayer that changes everything.
1. Pray With the Kind of Faith That Excites God
“But she came and began to bow down before Him, saying, ‘Lord, help me!’ And He answered and said, ‘It is not good to take the children’s bread and throw it to the dogs.’ But she said, ‘Yes, Lord; but even the dogs feed on the crumbs which fall from their masters’ table.’ Then Jesus said to her, ‘O woman, your faith is great; it shall be done for you as you wish.’ And her daughter was healed at once.” –Matthew 15:25-28 (NASB)
Jesus marveled at the kind of faith the Syrophoenician woman displayed in Matthew 15:25-28. It was the kind of faith that excites God because it was a faith that wouldn’t give up and wouldn’t take no for an answer. It’s the kind of faith that knows God is good and His faithfulness endures forever.
Bartimaeus displayed that same kind of faith that excites God. He cried out to Jesus and wouldn’t stop, even when everyone around him told him to stop and be quiet (Mark 10:46-52). That’s the kind of faith that excites God. It’s the kind of prayer that changes everything.
Think about it. Everything Barnabas had known up until that point—total darkness, helplessness, poverty—was changed in that one moment of calling out to the Lord with the kind of faith that gets His attention. EVERYTHING changed and he received EVERYTHING he asked of God.
If your prayers have become lackluster, doubt-filled, or more grumbling than anything else, it’s time to switch on your faith again. It’s time to build your faith by spending time in God’s Word to the point that it will reach out and grab His attention—just like the faith of the Syrophoenician woman and Barnabas did.
They were believing for the impossible—something they could never accomplish on their own and something no other human could do for them. That’s why Mary Colbert says, “Exciting faith believes for the outrageous.”
It’s time you do the same, and pray with the kind of faith that excites God. You’ll see that it is one of the keys to prayer that changes everything!
2. Pray Backed by Faith in Constant Motion
“If indeed you continue in the faith firmly established and steadfast, and not moved away from the hope of the gospel that you have heard.”—Colossians 1:23 (NASB)
Faith that excites God is going to come from faith that is in constant motion.
What does that mean?
When something isn’t in constant motion, it becomes stagnant—complacent. As you know, stagnant water becomes putrid—a breeding ground for bacteria. It no longer offers life, but instead, becomes a hazard.
When you talk to God in prayer backed by faith in constant motion, you’re not complacent in your believing. You are not moved away from the hope of the gospel and the promise of answered prayer. You are flowing and moving with His power, confidently partnering with Him to bring about His perfect will in your life.
God is a forward-moving God, and He wants you to be the same. The kind of prayer that changes everything is prayer backed by faith in constant motion
If your faith has become dormant, it’s time to put it in motion again! How can you do that? Feed regularly on God’s Word, fight the good fight of faith, and apply faith to every situation.
(Find 3 Tips for Keeping Your Faith in Constant Motion HERE.)
Watch Kenneth Copeland, Mary Colbert and Dr. Don Colbert talk about the importance of faith in motion.
3. Pray Early in the Morning
“And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day.”
–Genesis 3:8 (NKJV)
We know that we can pray to God anytime, anywhere. But different types of prayer unlock different types of power. Corporate prayer, the prayer of agreement and the prayer of intercession are each powerful in their own way. The same can be said of prayer during different times of the day.
In her book, Mary Colbert shares about her personal experience with early morning prayer. She and her husband, Dr. Don Colbert, live in Florida and often drive to the ocean in the early morning hours to take in God’s creation and connect with the Father.
She believes there is a special presence of the Lord in the cool of the day that is unlike any other. “It opens the door to amazing moments with Him,” she says.
If you’re in a place where your prayer life needs refreshing, try rising before the sun and praying either in your home or in a place where you can take in His creation. Speak with Him in the cool of the day, and let prayer in the early morning connect you with your Father in a fresh, new way.
4. Pray on the Victory Side
“But thanks be to God, who always causes us to triumph.”—2 Corinthians 2:14 (EHV)
The goal in any prayer is to take victory on the other side, right? There should be no other option on the table.
If you’re approaching God with a “maybe He will, maybe He won’t” mentality, you’re off to a bad start. Your prayers are answered when you BELIEVE you will have what you ask (Mark 11:24; James 1:6-7). You have to pray on the victory side because that’s the kind of prayer that leads to triumph. On approaching the throne with confidence, Mary Colbert says, “I’ve never had God call me into a battle He didn’t intend for me to win.” She knows from experience. When she unexpectedly ended up in the center of her nationally known prayer efforts for President Trump during the 2016 election, she had an unwavering confidence simply because she prayed with confidence that God would triumph through her. (For more on this impactful story, see the book Mary co-authored, The Trump Prophecies, or the movie The Trump Prophecy.
If you need to stir yourself up to pray the kind of prayer that changes everything, start to see yourself victorious in your situation. Pray from a posture of triumph—not defeat. God ALWAYS causes you to triumph. You just have to get on board!
When you make these simple changes in your prayer routine and begin praying the kind of prayer that changes everything, EXPECT to see breakthrough—EXPECT to receive what you ask! God’s not holding anything back from you. He’s waiting for you to break through those things that have hindered you for far too long. It’s about time for VICTORY!
Watch Kenneth Copeland, Mary Colbert and Dr. Don Colbert discuss the powerful principles behind prayer that changes everything.