Monthly Archives: May 2018

Total Commitment

Romans 12:1-3

Much is being said to us in these 3 verses that we need to pay attention to.

“Present your bodies, transformed, measure of faith.” Let’s give these 3 verses some thought and ask the Holy Spirit to minister to us.

Can we listen to Him?
Will we listen to Him?

Make a good day a great day on purpose.

Be faithful!



Pray For All

1 timothy 2:1-6

Notice that it says we are to be making supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks for all men; for those that are in authority. President, Vice-President, Congress, etc. For our neighbors, family, and fellow employees.

It does not say to complain or criticize.
Can we do it?
Will we do it?
I believe we can and will.

be faithful!


Where Are You Today

Romans 12:1-3

How are we doing with the measure of faith that God has dealt to each one of us. We know God is no respecter of persons. We all started with the same measure of faith. Today would be a good time to examine your measure of faith to see what you have done with it. Ask the Holy Spirit to help. He will gladly assist you in determining your measure of faith.

Be blessed!
Be prosperous!
Be highly favored of God!

Be faithful!



Separate Ourselves

2 Corinthians 6:14-18

I believe this to be speaking to us individually as well as corporately. We must judge ourselves according to God’s Word. God is speaking to us and telling us what we must do and then He is telling us what He will do.

God is expecting our obedience.
Can we be obedient?
Will we be obedient?

Be faithful!





1 John 4:1-11

So many false prophets. We have the great revealer living inside of us, the Holy Spirit. So much evil in the world but it does not have to affect us.

God’s love is for all of us!
Let this sink into your heart.
Think about!
Receive it!
Walk in God’s love everyday, all the time.

Can we do it?
Will we do it?
1 Kings 18:21

Be faithful!


Put Off The Old And Put On The New

Ephesians 4:17-32

Another large portion of scripture but keeping things in context because we all want to grow in the Lord. 

Let us purpose to always keep expanding our relationship with the Lord. When we put off we must always put on. We put off old habits, we put on new habits. We put off old life styles, we put on new life styles. Growth in the Lord must never stop.

Can we do it?
Will we do it?

Be faithful!



How Is Our Speech

James 3:1-18

Another day of much scripture but it is difficult to break it up and not lose the overall meaning. Let’s ask the Holy Spirit to minister to us today concerning this reading and study.

Have a great day in the Lord and follow His leadership.

Be faithful!