Monthly Archives: July 2015

Pay Attention

1 Timothy 4:1-11

I encourage us to take a closer look at these scriptures than we probably would if we were simply reading the text. I pray that this causes us to be watchful and on guard concerning the times we are living. Remember, this was written approximately 1800 or more years ago dealing with things at that time. My, how times have changed but the powers of darkness have not changed.

Pay attention!

Be blessed!




1 Corinthians 12:1-18

Please notice who set the members in the body and who it pleased. Who are we to argue against God or Jesus or the Holy Spirit?

Be blessed!



Trust And Honor God

Proverbs 3:1-12

I would encourage you to read the whole chapter if you have time and if not it would be worth taking the time.

2 Peter 1:2-4

James 1:22-25

Be blessed, be prosperous, and be highly favored of God.

Do the work of God!

Be blessed!




God’s Grace

Galatians 2:20-21 (KJV & AMP)

God considers it is important how we represent the grace of God. Misrepresenting God’s grace can get us into trouble and we certainly don’t want that. Please allow these two verses to minister to you today. I challenge you to do so.

Be challenged!

Be blessed!



Pay Attention

Philippians 2:12-17

Paul writes an encouraging word to the Philippians. We can pretty well take this to heart today in our lives. God is doing a great work but we just don’t hear much about it. Let God arise and His enemies be scattered. Be watchful that you don’t get caught in the stampede.

Pay attention!

Be blessed!



Psalm 55:16-18

1 Timothy 6:12

If you haven’t prepared for battle maybe you better. There is a great battle coming. Our faith and our relationship with God will be tested. We will be victorious! Prepare to stand!

Be blessed!